
Dubliners - James Joyce Awesome collection of short stories I wouldn't ever expect from the author of such a troublesome book as is Ulysses. I know Joyce wrote Dubliners much before Ulysses, but I felt anyway pleasingly surprised by what I've read. Stories do not seem anyhow connected but with the general setting in Dublin. Each present different characters, from different walks of life, and they all were very interesting. My favourites are "Araby", "A Mother" and "The Dead". They seemed to me the most stirring, the most powerful of all, although every of them had something disturbing in, that made me feel uneasy. Every story looked larger than life. There was nothing unusual about the characters in these stories, to be honest, but Joyce made me feel like I knew every each of them like they were my neighbours. Maybe they were really his – whatever is true, I doubt there are many writers that can boast themselves with such an extraordinary achievement as Joyce did with Dubliners. That somehow makes me regret for his being stranded onto those artistic experimental waters. They might be highly appreciated by critics, but aren't really enticing for second reading.